Important Information

What Children Need to Bring

What Does Your Child Need?

¨ A backpack or bag with a visible name tag.

¨ A broad-brimmed hat with your child’s name in it (Preschool hats are available for sale).

¨ Some of our Preschool friends have food allergies, so please do not send your child with any nuts or nut products.

¨ A refillable water bottle with your child’s name on it.

¨ If you think your child may need a daytime rest, bedding is required. A fitted cot sheet is ideal. This is a requirement of our regulations. A second sheet is optional. Items should be named and stored in a fabric bag or pillowcase.

¨ Children should wear sensible clothing. Messy activities are part of the program. Please do not dress your child in good clothes. The Preschool practices sun safety. A shirt with collar and a minimum of short sleeves is required. Singlet tops are not permitted (Preschool shirts and hoodies are for sale at the office). Children need to be able to manage their clothes independently, therefore, overalls and belts are discouraged. A more comfortable pair of shoes or joggers are suitable. Jewellery is also discouraged.

¨ Spare clothing

Again, please ensure that all clothes are labelled


No Pay—No Stay

If your account is not up to date, your child may not be able to attend and may lose their spot. If you have trouble paying fees, please talk to the Director to organise a Payment Plan.


Children suffering infectious illnesses must not attend preschool. We have a list of diseases and exclusion periods which you may look at, or phone us about, if you require more information. Please notify the preschool if your child contracts an infectious disease. If your child is unable to attend due to illness, family holidays etc please let the staff know. Fees must be paid if the child is absent, as the vacancy in the group is reserved for your child.

The most common exclusion is 24 hours from the last time a child has vomited.

Notice of Withdrawal

To terminate a child’s enrolment, at least 2 weeks term time notice must be given at the office. Failure to do this will mean that parents are liable for 2 weeks fees. If a child fails to attend for 2 weeks without notifying staff, their position may be given away.


The preschool provides sunscreen and will ensure that children have 50+ water resistant, 3 hour sunscreen applied every 3 hours if going outdoors.

Photographs and Videos

Staff take photos and videos of children doing activities each day. Photographs are used in children’s individual profiles and are displayed on the Smartboard and Daily Journal. These photos are not distributed and are only viewed by parents and children.

Website and Facebook

The preschool maintains both of these social media. We welcome parents to gain immediate access to information about the preschool by liking our Facebook page—Gunnedah Preschool.


Children are taken on various excursions during the year. A general excursion permission note for the year is provided in the enrolment form to be signed by parents. Parent helpers are welcome to attend.


Please ensure you inform staff, as well as noting on your child’s enrolment form, if they suffer from any allergy.

Medication & Illness

There are strict regulations governing what medication staff can give to preschool children and how they can give it. If your child requires medication please see a staff member. Medicines are never to be left in a child’s bag (including asthma puffers). The preschool is not able to care for sick children. Please take time to read 3.26 Illness, Injury, Accident & Medical Emergency policy.

Additional Needs

Children with additional needs are welcomed at the preschool, however time must be taken to ensure that appropriate and adequate supports are in place. Staff is well trained to provide additional assistance with children’s developmental needs.

Birthday Cakes

We encourage parents to send cupcakes (or a cake for staff to cut) to preschool for their child’s birthday. The cakes are shared with all of the children who attend that day. Children with allergies will have their own frozen cupcakes but it is great if you are aware of any allergy alerts when bringing in cakes.

Occasional Care

Enrolled children may attend an extra or occasional care day. You will need to ask at the office to make sure a vacancy exists on the day you require. Occasional care is charged according to the fee policy and the number of days your child attends.

Assessment of Children

Staff continually assess children and records are kept on each individual’s progress. If additional assistance is sought by professionals outside preschool, parents are approached before the assistance is sought.

Parent Participation

There is no compulsory parent roster. Parents are encouraged to visit the preschool as often as they like. If you have a particular skill, talent or interest e.g. craft activity or play a musical instrument, please share it with us. You may choose to assist with excursions. Your contribution to the children’s programme, policy/QIP development, board of management and service direction are also welcomed.

Sustainability- Reuse, Renew and Recycle 

The Preschool would love your egg cartons, wool, string, material scraps, match boxes, polystyrene trays, magazines, ice cream, yoghurt, milk, cardboard cartons etc, so please save them up and bring them in.

Security Items

These are welcome at preschool, especially for rest time. Parents will need to ensure that the child takes the item home with them, as staff cannot be held responsible.

Toilet Training

Children do not need to be toilet trained. The preschool has nappy change facilities and are able to toilet train children.